Monday, 17 November 2014

Location Scouting

 A lot of my short movie involves some long lasting shots down hallways in the point of view of the main character or facing him with the torch. I took some pictures of a building in my school which had the right kind of corridor I am looking for. It is long and narrow and looks a bit like something from The Shining. The long emptiness of the corridor is foreboding and can build tension

Tuesday, 4 November 2014


  • Camera
  • Tripod
  • Dolly
  • Knife
  • Fake Blood
  • Normal Clothes
  • Torch
  • Moonlight
  • TV
  • Final Cut Pro
  • ISO
  • Voice recording, phone line effect

Monday, 3 November 2014


My short film by and large takes place inside the main characters house. Seeing as a lot of my shots will be long drawn out shots looking down dark hallways, I will need to have a building with long corridors and open hallways so I can get a good range of camera angles which will help get the type of atmosphere I want. Therefore I will film these pets at my friends house in Oxfordshire which has large open spaces and long hallways which look foreboding in the dark.

Kiddington Hall is a very large mansion house so I will have a great choice of camera angles and room to shoot in

The scenes at the beginning of the short film involve the main character in his kitchen on the phone, the point of this scene that the intruder can be seen peering in through the windows at the back of the shot, and there may not be an appropriate place to get that kind of shot in Kiddington Hall. However my own house in London has the right type of kitchen to film that sort of shot so it would be a good idea to film there.

Furthermore, my house in London is a lot smaller and normal than Kiddington Hall which makes the setting more believable. It also fits into the atmosphere of for boding that I'm trying to create because the house will look unattractive on an overcast day.

<Ground pictures to follow>